Sunday 30 September 2012

Nothing exciting ever happens to me...or does it?!

Well today something exciting did happen...I saw the proofs for my new picture book 'Never Ever'! Despite the usual self doubts of 'us creative types', I think they're looking pretty good and I'm pleased with them.

The story is about a girl character who thinks nothing exciting EVER happens to her, whilst she has her nose in the air and eyes firmly closed she misses all that happens around her. The idea for the book came from me being a child who loved exciting stories, I was forever disappointed that real life in a small town in Hampshire, didn't quite match my imaginary expectations of what might be around the next corner...apart from chalk-pits. This feeling has been 'on the odd occasion' revisited more recently as an adult, at which point I give myself a good shake and open my eyes!

Hopefully 'Never Ever' will be out on December 15th, just in time for Christmas!

Here's a sneaky peak...

...and another little peak...

..and without giving too much more...

Some initial sketches...

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